
Affiliate Marketing Attribution

Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing Attribution in 2019

As we get further into 2019, Marketing Executives are trying to better understand their buyers’ journey and which marketing channels are contributing sales. They are trying to determine where and how to spend their marketing dollars in a way that drives the highest possible ROI, the most well defined cross channel transactions, and where their

Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing Attribution in 2019 Read More »

how to get started with conversion optimization

5 Critical Steps To Get Started with Conversion Optimization

Has your company launched a conversion optimization program yet? If not, you might feel like you’re missing the boat, as you’ve heard more and more about the impact that optimization can have on your growth rates. You’ve likely seen case studies outlining double-digit conversion rate gains, tens of thousands to millions of dollars in incremental

5 Critical Steps To Get Started with Conversion Optimization Read More »

Attribution Part 1 – What is it and why is it important?

Overview of Types of Attribution for Affiliate At AIM there’s always a lot of discussion around attribution.  With a diverse team, a range of different marketing backgrounds, and a wide array of current clients across various industries, there’s a vast amount of experience and perspectives that serve to drive ideation and recommendations to best optimize

Attribution Part 1 – What is it and why is it important? Read More »